Accreditation for the right of verification and calibration
In accordance with Federal Law No. 412, activities related to accreditation of organizations for the right to conduct verification/calibration of measuring instruments, transferred to Federal Agency of accreditation. To accredit the laboratory, it is necessary to refer to the criteria to be met by the customer in the relevant regulatory documents. In addition, when carrying out complex training (as both the organization and employees that will work in this specific area), it is important to pay special attention to each item state requirements. Failure to comply with established officials’ rules may result in the failure of the procedure of accreditation of the laboratory for the right of verification/calibration of measuring instruments.
The "TEHETALON" company offers potential customers assistance in the procedure of accreditation of the laboratory for the right of verification and calibration of measuring instruments. The result of cooperation with our specialists will receive a special certificate confirming the right to carry out calibration and verification of measuring instruments.
Positive resolution of issues associated with verification, guaranteed thanks to our extensive experience in the design and preparation of complete set of approval documents for accreditation. Work is performed in previously agreed with the customer.
The final cost of services related to accreditation for calibration and the calibration is determined immediately after our specialists will get acquainted with the current state of Affairs. We'll check internal documentation, readiness of personnel to perform such work, and so on.
Features of accreditation for calibration
To accredit your employees the right to carry out calibration of equipment the specialists of our company will proceed in three stages:
- a detailed analysis of the current situation in the client company. As appropriate, each client we advise on requirements for applicant for accreditation;
- a detailed analysis, development and gathering of a full package of relevant documents, which required public bodies to apply for accreditation. All received from the customer securities transferred to representatives of the Federal service for accreditation within the deadline set by law. At the same stage we will prepare the organization for the certification of calibration. Your regular experts are consulted, and the equipment will be configured in accordance with regulatory requirements;
- a delivery of all necessary documents to the Federal service for accreditation, then the applicant passes a compulsory procedure in the field, which sets the degree of preparedness of the laboratory to carry out works. The final result of this cooperation is to obtain the official certificate, allowing for equipment calibration.
The final cost of our services is determined individually. Minimum rates - 268 thousand rubles. We offer you a staged payment scheme. The customer will also need to pass two thousand rubles for payment of the state fee.
All other costs depend on whether your organization an experienced team of specialists, whether internal documentation related to quality management, legal requirements and so on. The costs of obtaining the official license will be below in the event that the company will conduct a comprehensive pre-preparation for accreditation. The average period of performance for obtaining a license varies from one to two and a half months. Average term of work performance when applying to the Federal service for accreditation is in a similar range.
List of documents needed for accreditation
For the successful resolution of issues related to accreditation for the right calibration, a company must pass the following set of documents:
- the quality manual and other reference documents;
- documentation confirming the qualifications of the employees, according to the criteria of paragraph 44 of the order of Ministry of economic development No. 326 dated 30.05.2014
- a copy of the documentation (including the securities in electronic form), which confirm the eligibility of the applicant specified in the regulatory requirements of accreditation criteria. This is coupled with the documents approved by the special decree of the FSA.
As required, each potential customer can get personal advice. At any stage of execution, and our employees are ready to provide detailed reports on the work performed.
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Accreditation of the testing laboratory
The accreditation for calibration of measuring equipment
In addition to accreditation on calibration, we are also ready to offer potential customers the services related to obtaining laboratory accreditation for conducting calibration of measuring instruments. A positive result is guaranteed by the fact that on your order are working professionals who have successfully completed a few of the hundreds of similar orders.
Please note! The cost of the services specified on our website is not final. The full amount is made on an individual basis. The price depends on the current state of affairs in the organization, as customer.
The accreditation for calibration also includes the following steps:
- a detailed analysis of the documentation, as well as the General situation in the client company. Depending on the complexity of the particular case, the client receives detailed individual consultations, in which experts will suggest the right course of action;
- preparation of full package of documents listed on the official website of the Federal service for accreditation and relevant legislation. This stage also includes comprehensive training of the company to perform specialized services in the field of testing equipment. Is the qualified training of specialists, setting up equipment to perform such work, and so on;
- sending the collected documents to the authority of FSA, after which our employees will provide full support during the passage of the outreach Committee, which checks the readiness of the laboratory to conduct calibration of measuring instruments.
The final result of ordering from us is obtaining official permission to perform work on calibration of measuring equipment for various purposes and complexity.
The minimum cost of works is 268 thousand rubles. The final amount depends on the current state of the applicant company at the time of contacting us. Payment may be made on a phased scheme. The amount of the fee is two thousand rubles. It is paid separately.
The remaining costs, as in the case of calibration will also depend on quality of preliminary preparation for the certification. Additional costs may be associated with the need to purchase specialized equipment to perform the work, training of future professionals, and so on.
Accordingly, the better the preparation, the less money you have to spend. The average term obligations for assistance in accreditation is 1-2.5 months. The same amount of time can be spent on accreditation at the bodies of the FSA.
To successfully pass the accreditation in the relevant authority must develop and prepare the following set of documents:
- the quality manual and other documents that refer to it;
- documentation confirming qualification of specialists and their experience, according to the criteria of paragraph 44 of the order of Ministry of economic development No. 326 dated 30.05.2014;
- documentation proving the right of ownership or temporary ownership of technical facilities, equipment and technical resources that are required for the verification of measuring instruments, subject to the requirements established in the legal documentation. When checking the material-technical base additionally refer to the documentation in the sphere of standardization and other papers which are listed in the application for accreditation;
- copies of the documentation (including paper, have an electronic form), which confirm full compliance of the customer service recruitment criteria by checking.
As needed, our staff will be happy to give individual consultation, during which she'll talk about current work performance, plan further actions, and will continuously monitor the current situation.
During the execution of the works the company may face a situation when a group of experts is changing, therefore changing the requirements of the organization. Accordingly, to achieve a positive result it is necessary initially to bring the basic parameters of the laboratory in full compliance with the requirements. The specialists of "TEHETALON" ready to take on all the work associated with accreditation of the company for the right calibration or verification of measuring instruments. Work is performed under the key, each customer receives a mandatory report, which reported the current results of their conduct, and resulting in 100% receipt of accreditation certificate.